Monday, May 17, 2010


This morning I decided to take the kids to Boondocks to have a little fun while Logan is off for a week. We had a blast playing all the silly arcade games, getting tangle up in the kid cove, and getting a little sun while golfing. When Logan was little this place was Way to stimulating for him. We usually left with him in tears and me wondering why we came. Today all three boys were happy, silly, and manageable. I could of stayed for hours. Well, becareful what you wish for right, when we went to leave my car wouldn't start! What made it more of a challenge was my phone was dead too. I unloaded the kids and we went inside where I found a nice employee to try and jump start my car. His attempt was unsuccessful! I had to seriously dig deep to remember Jared's new phone number! (Isn't it just so easy to just push 2 and send.) Luckily my super mom brain came through and my hubby came to the rescue. I'm just glad that I was stranded at a fun place to keep the kids occupied while I waited for a ride home. When Jared arrived he decided to give the car one last attempt to start. VROOM there was power..."What???" Of course the car would work for him! Just sucks he had to drive all the way from SLC just to start my car. However according to the mechanic the car is having starter issues and will probably need to be replace. :( Not good news. So this morning was a little crazy! But I'm hoping it won't end that way!

* Jace is so content if he has something in his mouth or if he can see his brothers! I love that he will just sit in the stroller and not beg to get down. I know this won't last much longer but it makes outings like these SO much easier.


Lilet said...

Sorry you got stranded but looks like your kids had fun! :)

Becky said...

Thank heavens for husbands! You can call me anytime!

tracy said...

OMIGOSH! Please call me if you need to in car crisis times! I am sorry such a craziness went on, but so happy it all turned out okay!

c said...

Oh bummer! I had no idea! I could have totally picked you guys up. Glad it worked out.