Thursday, July 30, 2009


Jace just turned 4 months old. He is my little koala. Seriously, I carry him around every where. I carry him in my right arm because it seems a lot stronger than my left, because of this I've had to become a little ambidextrous. (But I would imagine most moms are...) Sometimes it is just easier to carry him around then worry about him laying on the floor and getting tackled by one of his brothers.

Jace found his "voice" this week". He sounds like a cat meowing & a owl hooting when he "talks". He loves watching the boys and giggles when Logan talks to him. He still prefers to be swaddled when going to sleep. At times the swaddling back fires b/c he becomes unwrapped and doesn't know what to do with his arms.

He enjoys laying on his stomach and can roll over if he is in just the right position. Sometimes when he is on his tummy, he'll even scoot a little. It's a full body effort, but he does manage to move a little. He is reaching out for objects, his favorite seems to be my hand. Once he gets something in his grasp, he has to chew on it.

Yesterday he got his shots and I was surprised to hear he is only 13 LBS. I thought for sure he would be at least 15. He has several fat rolls on his legs and his cheeks are very chubby.
If you see him, he will smile instantly and will chuckle when you tickle him (he is ticklish all over!). I couldn't be luckier to have such a happy, easy going baby. If I had to pick something to complain about it would be how he has regressed at sleeping at night. He use to sleep at least 7 hours, some nights even longer. For the last couple of weeks he is back to only going 3 to 4 hours. I hoping this extra feeding at night is just to help him through a growth spurt and will soon be over.

His little personality is developing quickly. He is sweet, easy going, predictable, and puts up with commotion of our busy house. I'm excited for the next couple of months.

He is a trooper. I took him swimming again. He loves being outside and around people.

Jace has his own little look, yet his face is very familiar. It's good a combination of Logan & Cameron put together.

Big brothers showing him how his toys work. He likes reaching for the rattles but gets frustrated with the other toys because he can't get them into his mouth yet.

He loves it when I tickle his face with my hair and kiss his cheeks. My sister once said I look like a mama lion playing with her cub. I couldn't agree more...

Friday, July 24, 2009


Despite both boys loving sticky salt water taffy and gum, they went to the dentist yesterday and they have no cavities! ( I forgot the camera in the car and wasn't about to haul three kids out to get it.) It's been a family effort to make sure we brush every morning and night. Not an easy task sometimes. Cameron loved having the dentist brush and count his teeth. He sat in the chair all by himself and didn't cry once. Logan couldn't wait to get his prize, he asked the dentist the minute we saw him, "can I have my lucky token now?" Logan wanted to celebrate by making goofy pictures for a goofy face book.Cameron said "I have a good idea, how about ice-cream." He settled for some banana pudding.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

To add to the last post

I ran out of "free time" to finish writing a few things yesterday. I just wanted to add, THANK YOU to everyone that made Logan's 5 year old birthday memorable. My brothers and sisters went out of their way to make him feel special. On Friday, his Aunt Becca took off work early to visit with him. After a busy work day, Uncle Gary, Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Heidi still found the energy to come hang with us. Then on Monday his Uncle Mike and Aunt Marsha treated Logan to lunch and a milkshake. Afterwards we all went swimming at Murray Park with Grandma. I'm very lucky to have such wonderful brothers, sisters and AWESOME PARENTS willing to play with Logan and be part of his life. (You guys are the best!!!)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Tomorrow Logan is officially 5. (I would wait to post but I have some time right now.) 5 years have gone by fast! From the moment Logan was born my life changed for the better. Logan is perceptive, determined, energetic, sensitive, silly, clever, and smart. One of the most lovable things about Logan is his smile.

Logan is very social and loves making friends. Currently, he has discovered how to sound out words and wants to write letters to all of his friends. Logan will start kindergarten this year. He is very prepared and is excited to go to "his new school."

Every year I try to take a picture of Logan on the swings. I started when he was about 7 months old. Looking at this collage I am amazed at how much he has grown up.

We celebrated his birthday last Friday. In the morning we went and got doughnuts at a new place, "Beyond Glazed," he ordered a green grasshopper doughnut. After doughnuts we went to the park and he instantly made a few friends and found a couple of potato bugs. Later that night we had a big party at the splash park. One of his favorite gifts was "his very own scooter!"
Highlights of his special day:

Logan has waited all year to turn five. I asked him "now that your five, what happens?" He told me, "I get to sleep over at Grandma St. George. I get to walk to my friends alone. I get to have treats all day. Now that I'm five, I get to stay up later. Hmm, Mom all kinds of stuff happens when you are five. Maybe my teeth will even fall out..."

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Splish Splash-

My two surfer dudes...

On Thursday my friend and I took our kids swimming at the Draper pool. This pool is PERFECT for little kids. It's swallow entry with a big mushroom fountain in the middle. Logan loved swimming and jumping off the side of the pool. He loved the fact that if he wore a life-jacket he could float without holding onto me. Cameron enjoyed jumping in also. He would jump into the water, going all the way under. When he came up for air he would scream, "Again, Again!" Jace was a trooper. He slept a little. When he was awake he was able to tangle his feet in the water. I was more worried about him getting a sun burn then the other two. It felt great to get out of the daily routine and enjoy the sunshine.

Logan getting ready to JUMP!!!

Cameron would swim around like a shark.

Jace sleeping...

Cameron sharing his snack with his horse/zebra. He can't decided what to call him.

Logan and his friend Gabby

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


The other day I spent $70 for a month worth of diapers for Cameron and Jace. I am finally done with having Cameron in diapers! Today is the second day pee training Cameron. (He has been pooping in the toilet since last October). In the last few months I've started the day with training him only to put him back into diapers by lunch time. Potty training requires an extra boost of patience. You have to have patience to take them to the bathroom every twenty minutes, patience when they pee their pants one minute before you take them, and patience when they don't want to try to pee. This week I took a deep breath and found that extra patience (though sometimes I'm screaming in my head.) On day two, Cameron has only had one accident!!! HURRAY :) we bought new underwear for him and he loves them. I knew if I was persistent he would get the idea of peeing in the toilet. His loves taking his Zebra into the bathroom with him and showing him how a "big boy" pees. Logan has been a big help too. He will remind Cameron that he gets a treat if he goes potty. (Logan thinks he should get a treat also.) I know we will still have Cameron in diapers for naps and night time, but hopefully potty training him will reduce the amount we spend on diapers each month.

Cameron at 2 years 4 months...

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Recently I read a friend's blog about being a music star. It got me thinking about who I would be if I could be anyone. I have always wanted to be a movie star! Someday I even hope to star in a play of some kind. I've always thought it would be fun to play someone else. I would love a role that was full of drama. I've always enjoyed pretending and I truly believe I could be a great actress. I've always loved the thought of the golden globe awards. The idea of getting all dressed up and walking down the red carpet, having someone ask me who made my dress etc. etc. When the award shows come on I'm glued to the t.v. Jared laughs at me, and then says, you should be there... I know I should, maybe in a different life I will. In a few years when my kids are a little older I hope to accomplish my dream and be in a play of some sort. When I am, I will invite all to come and see me even if I'm only cast as a tree or rock :)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Awesome Picture

My neighbor took this picture of Logan as he was zooming down the street. I wish my camera would capture moments like this!!!