Saturday, October 17, 2009


Every year I take the boys over to Gardner Village for fall pictures. Usually the grounds are quiet and not that busy. This year it was CRAZY!!! busy. Despite the hundreds of people- I think I grabbed a couple of cute pictures. I've learned through the years that I have about 20 minutes before the kids are sick of the this is what I got. (Not many of many people and not enough places to sit a baby down.)

After pictures the kids got a treat and their face painted.

(Just before we left the house, Cameron tumbled down the garage steps-leaving a HUGE mark on his forehead. Thanks to some photo editing I was able to edit most of his ENORMOUS bruise out. Phew!)
Logan is the best "model" he has the perfect camera smile. Cameron is still learning. He always says "CHEESE" and does this "cheesy" grin.

Monday, October 12, 2009

An Almost 3 Year Old...

Trying to figure out what an almost 3 year old is saying before they have a major melt down is very hard to do. I feel like Cameron has his own language. He talks very well but sometimes he doesn't know how to explain himself. I'm getting better at understanding his "sayings". Here are a few:

These pants are wiggly. Translation: The pants are baggy.

No tiny baby sandwiches. Translation: Don't cut it into small pieces.

My hands are watery. The water won't come off. Translation: He was in the bath to long and his hands are like raisins from the water.

Baby threw up. Translation: Jace has a little bit of slobber on his face.

I'm sad. I need to take a nap. Translation: Nothing is going Cameron's way...he needs a hug and a nap.

He hates it if his food is cut up before you ask him, Can I cut up your hot dog or sandwich? He thinks it is broken if he doesn't see you cut it.

Nothing can be on the couch touching his blanket, even the remote. He will share a small corner with Jace if I promise he won't spit up on it.

You look at you! Translation: Don't look at him.

I can't go to sleep. There are ghosts in my room, see ohhhh. Translation: He watched to many Scooby Do movies today.

I need to draw with a poky crayon. Translation: He wants to color with a pen.

No Translation: No pictures (Thats why there are no pictures on this posting today.)