A friend recommended this site to me. She gave me this great idea to post family stories for my family and beyond. I thought it was a great idea to help everyone stay in touch with what our family was doing. Hope you enjoy it.
Spring has finally come, oh wait...has it. This past months, the weather has been ridiculous. Anyone with two boys knows the importance of being able to go outside! Cameron is a true little rugrat. The minute the back door creaks...he is running toward it. He loves playing with the chickens and trying to feed them dirt.
This spring, I signed Logan up for T-Ball and the games are at night. I think I have been to two games were we didn't freeze or the wind didn't blow us over. Aside from the dreadful weather, T-Ball has been really fun to watch Logan. He has had to learn to wait his turn, listen to directions, and share the ball. All lessons we strive to teach him every day! He is really good at throw the ball! I think if he stays with baseball he'll be a awesome pitcher.
1 comment:
Love it, love it, love it!
With your photos and perspective on life and motherhood, this blog will be such a treasure! Keep the posts coming!
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