Monday, December 21, 2009


FYI if you go to the mall to take pictures with Santa you no longer can use your own camera:(. I understand why, "Santa" needs to make money too. But I still think you should be allowed to take a few pictures if you buy a package. Two 5/7's were 17.00!!! That is ridiculous (they did try to off set the cost by giving you a Shutterfly gift card). After the picture Logan and Cameron each had a separate time to talk with Santa. Cameron started to cry afterwards. Grandma asked him what was wrong? He said in the saddest voice "I don't get a Duck Hunter." Both my mom and I said, "What? You told Santa you wanted a Duck Hunter, right?" He then said, "Where is it, I don't get it." He thought that Santa would give him his present right then and there...I felt so sad for him but tried to explain that he would get presents on Christmas in just a few days. He still cried for a few minutes but quickly forgot about getting presents when I placed a cookie in front of him. PHEW! The picture turned out good-no one was crying.


Becky said...

The picture is so cute! Logan looks like such a little gentleman! What a fun tradition! I always gripe about the cost, too, but it will be fun to see them over the years!

tracy said...

A very cute shot of all three very cute smiles!

Prices are crazy but I found a great one through Heather Bridge Photography! It was just $10!

Check out her work at and check out my blog to see the shot.