Monday, January 4, 2010


The past few weeks I've been in a blog fog. I will think of things that I should blog about but don't and then the moment pasts and it seems silly to go back and blog about it. Other times I feel I rewriting the same thing over, I write an event in my journal, in the kids photo books etc. So to change things up a bit I was thinking it would be really fun to have a book full of memories of one day a week . A snippet of our this year my blog is going to be mostly about Monday Madness. Let's face it, Monday's are hard for everyone. Every Monday around the same time I'm going to take a picture of what we are doing and see what happens...I hope this well help kick start your week and give you something to look forward to.

The first photo...

Cameron sneaking into Logan's room first thing in the morning...


Holly said...

That's a good idea! I look forward to more of your Monday Madness. Do you guys want to get together and play next week? We have a lot going on this week, but next week would be fun. Let me know!

Ashley C. said...

you are sooo cute! love the picture idea!!

Becky said...

I love that you captured a happy moment between brothers! I don't know if yours fight as much as is heart warming to see proof that siblings do really love each other!

c said...

Great idea!