Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Jace is two months old. Where has the time gone? Most days he is a happy alert baby. He started to smile last week. This week he has added a little giggle. He likes tummy time and enjoys being held over the shoulder. When I hold him out he seems to like it better when has a face to look at. He is eating every two hours during the day!! Today he had his first set of shots. He weighs 11 LBS and is 23 inches long. Based on those figures he is 30% for weight and 60 % for height. He is eating every two hours because he has grown in length is trying to make up for that. At night he sleeps really well. He goes to bed around 8 and usually does a 5-7 hour block. Then sleeps for about 4 more hours. When I look at him, I see a lot of Cameron in his face.

Cameron at 3 months...Jace at 2. Jace isn't as chubby yet, but they sure look similar.

He looks very happy in this picture.


Monday, May 25, 2009


What a great weekend. Friday we filled up the swimming pool and I watch the kids "swim".

Later that night my mom watched the three boys while Jared and I went to dinner. We tried a new place called Wings Nutz. We had a great time getting away, even if if it was only for a few hours.

Saturday Jared's parents came to visit. This was their first time seeing Jace and it was perfect timing. About a week ago he started smiling-he was full of smiles for his grandparents.

Next I had a full day of shopping at the mall. Jace slept for three hours in the stroller while I rediscovered the world of clothes...yippee!!!

Today we went as a family to Herriman cove to fish. Logan went the night before with Jared and got a ton of bites on his line. He was excited to share the fun with Cameron. Cameron loved holding the fishing pole while saying "I got a fish. Look there is a fish." After an hour of fishing Cameron finally caught one...a very small baby fish but perfect for him.

Cameron watching Dad cast out his line.

Jace wearing his fisherman hat.

Cameron's first fish.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Check out this coloring page from one of the kids books. What is the bunny doing? To me it looks like he is "giving the finger"!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Logan's Baby Rules

Here is a cute video of Logan's rules for Jace. He is doing a great job following them :)

Jace is 6 weeks old and growing like a weed. When he lays on his stomach he will roll himself over onto his back! Until today, he has slept in his bouncy seat for naps. This afternoon he fell asleep in his crib without hours of crying. He likes it when the boys talk to him and tickle his feet. Below of some fun pictures...

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Last night I started to get flu like symptoms. I had a temp of 101 and was achy all over. No it's not the swine flu I have mastitis! I have nursed two other babies and never had to deal with this complication. Let me tell you-it is not fun, especially on Mother's Day weekend. We had some fun plans that were change b/c of me not feeling well. Thankfully I was able to get some medicine today and I'm already feeling better. It's amazing what we do for our children and most the time they have no idea!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Today started out like most every other day...Logan woke us up, we all had breakfast, Jared went off to work. Logan seemed to be in a great mood. He was playing nicely with Cameron, using nice words to me, etc. Mid morning we walked to the park where we played together in the sand and on the slides. Upon returning, morning Logan was replaced with another child. Logan suddenly became defiant, rude, and just plain naughty. When we got back from the park, I gave Logan some juice. I sent him and Cameron outside to drink it. I reminded Logan to not to spit it or gurgle their drink. As I turned around, I heard Cameron say "No Logan, no spitting." I walked right up to him and he had spit out his drink! So I took his drink away and said he could only have water. (His explanation of why he chose to spit was there was a spider web that he wanted to knock down. Ok, fair...I can see that.) A few minutes later he came in and said he wanted to play downstairs. He decided "playing" was torturing our cat. I asked him nicely once to stop smothering the cat. He continued to bother him, so I put him in his room and told him he made the choice to play in his room for awhile b/c he didn't listen to me about the cat. Each time he got in trouble he would ask, "but do you still love me?" I had to explain to him that his choices show me if he loves me or not. Not if I love him. After about ten minutes in his room he said he was ready to play nice. He went back downstairs, but shorty came up and told me that the kitty had peed. WHAT!!! I knew he was lying...our kitty doesn't randomly pee on the carpet. I walked downstairs with him and asked him to tell the truth because I could tell if it was his pee or the kitty's. He told me it was him. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! DID HE JUST SAY HE PEED ON THE CARPET??? I calmly grabbed his hand and told him he was in more trouble then he has ever been in. I put him in his room, dialed Jared, and asked him "What do we do with him? Neither of us believe in spanking, but I was about to! Jared helped me calmed down. We decided to take away his "pet caterpillar" for good and he lost his favorite blankets for three days. I explained this to Logan. He was pretty upset about the blankets. I asked him why he peed on the carpet. He said he wanted to see what would happen. ARRRHHH I told him that I hoped he realized that doing naughty things causes not so good things to happen. However I don't think he "gets" that. After we talked he was pouting and saying how I was being mean to him. How I don't love him b/c I took his blankets, etc. I tried to turn his comments around and remind him why he lost his blankets because of his choices, not mine. After lunch we stopped talking about his behavior. I sat down with him and Cameron and read a story. As he left for preschool, I told him how I loved him. Tonight when he cries for his blankets, I will remind him that it was his choice not mine to loose them, but is it the right thing? Is there more I should be doing? I've tried incentive charts, earning rewards, taking rewards away, etc. It just seems he doesn't really care about the those things. He likes it for a few days and then he looses interest in them. Any advice on how to punish, or reward a sweet, happy but very smart strong willed boy?

Friday, May 1, 2009

Our Busy House

My "vacation" is over and the boyz are back. They got back last Tuesday night. Wednesday morning I was back into reality of being a full time mom. I enjoyed my "time off" immensely. It's funny how sleeping just an hour longer in the morning can make such a difference.

I loved being able to bond with Jace. In just a month he is developing fat rolls on his chin and legs. I find myself wishing he wouldn't grow up. I love how cuddly and small he is right now. Since this is our last, I find myself savoring every moment. Jace doesn't mind loud noises. I took him with me to watch a movie and he slept the entire time. He eats and stays awake for about an hour at a time. Then sleeps for around 2. He does this cycle during the day. At night he tends to eat and go back to sleep except for around 4. This is when he is the most "gassy". He holds his head up and likes to be on his tummy. He's hardest moments are when he has a bubble that won't come out or if he is over tried.

Logan brings such energy to our home. Suddenly he has become very independent. He wants to make his own lunches, empty the dishwasher, even help with the Jace. Anything that use to be child proof is not Logan proof any more. He can open the safety locks on the cupboards and doors. (Which is hard an hard adjustment.) He loves to take the first sound of a word and change it "drink is ink or car is ar." He can't wait to go to kindergarten. He talks about his birthday everyday. He has become Cameron's best friend. He loves to play with him and "teach" him new things.

Cameron mellows our house out. A couple words to describe him are, husky, easy going, and solid :) He loves to play with toys and will even "talk" to them. He loves animals -especially our chickens. He will go outside and yell "Chickens, come here! Look at my dinosaurs." He has the most kissable cheeks! He wants to do everything big brother is doing. He loves to kiss & hug Jace. He still loves to play with my hair. When he is sad he will even ask for it "hair mommy". He has learned to jump while standing still. He loves to play in the dirt...just like his brother.

While these two were gone the house was quiet and empty. I know that is what my life would be without them...quiet and empty.