Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Jace is two months old. Where has the time gone? Most days he is a happy alert baby. He started to smile last week. This week he has added a little giggle. He likes tummy time and enjoys being held over the shoulder. When I hold him out he seems to like it better when has a face to look at. He is eating every two hours during the day!! Today he had his first set of shots. He weighs 11 LBS and is 23 inches long. Based on those figures he is 30% for weight and 60 % for height. He is eating every two hours because he has grown in length is trying to make up for that. At night he sleeps really well. He goes to bed around 8 and usually does a 5-7 hour block. Then sleeps for about 4 more hours. When I look at him, I see a lot of Cameron in his face.

Cameron at 3 months...Jace at 2. Jace isn't as chubby yet, but they sure look similar.

He looks very happy in this picture.



tracy said...

Oh he is so cute! So glad I got to snuggle him a bit the other day, and he DOES look so much like Cam did!

See you tomorrow night!

c said...

I can't believe he's smiling already! So cute!

Jackie Blum said...

Oh Liz! He is GORGEOUS! Don't you just want to kiss him all the time? Time is flying by.

Oh, and by the way, you have been tagged! Go to my blog at to see what you need to do!