Monday, February 1, 2010


You may recall me writing about Logan collecting small things. He still does but now he carries them around with him. He pulls a little firetruck suitcase filled with all his treasures around the house. Inside some of his little treasures are more treasures. I am amazed at how much he has collected. Cameron loves saying, "Logan can we look at your stuff?" They will go sit in Logan's room and "organize" all his belongings. Logan even found Cameron a backpack for him to start collecting too.

Inside this suitcase is Logan's life. All his relatives have contributed to helping Logan collect his tiny treasures. He has tiny books from his Grandma Peggy.

A special safe his Grandma Laura got

him for Christmas.

Inside the safe is more little things. (I'm glad

his toy hand gun is locked away :))

Inside there is a little bag filled with gold treasures he found with his Grandpa Gary.


Becky said...

Ha! That is funny to see his gun in his "gun safe"! I love that my kids do that,too. It gives me insight into how they think and priortize. It is always fun to see the latest additions!

Ashley C. said...

how cute. love his little treasures!!!

c said...

(Chuckle) So funny! My boys have little treasure boxes full of similar "treasures". So funny that Logan has towing capablity.