Yesterday I got to spend some "alone" time with Cameron while Logan and Jared hung out. At times I wonder if Cameron is getting enough attention. Being the 2
nd child must be hard. It seems that Logan sometimes requires
sooooo much attention, Cameron gets so much less. I know in reality this isn't true. But I can't help worry about it.
Cameron is such a sweet little guy. Lately he has been giving hugs and kisses all on his own. He'll just walk up and squeeze me. I love it. He loves being outside, around animals, and listening to music. He hates getting dressed, being told to come inside and he really dislikes sitting in the shopping cart. Jared and I think he was born speaking "Indian". He has full conversation with us that are full of babbling, yet his conversations are filled with such expression not only in his voice but in his hand gestures and face. It is clear he is telling us something. He loves to cuddle. He will sit with me for over an hour, which is a life savor if I'm not feeling good or just need some down time. I worry a little about how he will take having a new baby in our home. He gets really possessive if he is sitting with me and Logan tries to cuddle too. Currently he has learned how to say egg, park, boy, slide, chicken, cracker, color, eat, go, stop, and wash. The more words he learns the easier it is to figure out what he wants. However if he does get frustrated he throws his whole body onto the floor and kicks his feet. It's hard not to start laughing. I usually walk away so he doesn't see me smile. The funniest thing he does is try to wrestle with Logan. He will pull on his shirt until he falls down. Then he'll sit on him. Logan thinks its hilarious. We are very lucky to have Cameron in our family. I can't imagine life without him.