What a great Christmas! Here is a quick recap of our holiday.
Our Christmas started the Saturday prior when we piled the kids into the car and went to look at Christmas lights. I had heard that Thanksgiving point had a great light show. It cost $7 for us to drive through...it really wasn't worth the money. But the kids had a great time. However, next year we will just drive the neighborhoods. (Something I did when I was little that I enjoyed each year.) I loved hearing Cameron saying, "Wow...Wow lights." On Christmas Eve we went to my parents house for the annual "Merrill" family dinner. It always amazes me how many people we pack into a tiny eating area. This year there were 15 adults and 3 kids. Although my family all lives here, our schedules are very busy. Holidays like this gives us a reason to see each other.
On Christmas day Logan sprung out of bed eager to see what Santa brought. We all ran downstairs and immediately the "What the..." started. I don't know what got into his little mind but every present he saw he would say "What the". Luckily for us he didn't finish his sentence. Cameron went straight towards the left over Santa food plate. He didn't even think of opening any presents. He was to busy stuffing his face. Logan was so happy. Some of his comments while opening presents were "This is the best day ever." "See, I knew I was good. Santa didn't bring me any coal." "We should have Christmas every day." Later that morning we headed back over to my parents house to open their gifts. The "what the..." continued. After a few presents, Cameron started to get the idea of pulling off paper. He helped everyone unwrap their gifts. When we returned home, everyone snuggled up to take a much needed nap. That night we had a nice turkey dinner with all the works.
That was our holiday in a nut shell. It's strange how long it takes for Christmas to get here, but how quickly it is gone! I agree with Logan, Christmas should be every day!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
3 weeks ahead??
Last week I went to my monthly Dr.'s appt and she was surprised to find that I'm measuring 3 weeks ahead. I wasn't at all b/c I feel huge for 24 weeks. This same thing happened to me when I was pregnant with Cameron. I went in at 28 weeks and was measuring 33! Ok, so now it's happening a little sooner. What does it mean? Last time, I had a few ultra sounds to rule out any baby problems. With Cameron I just had an unusual amount of amniotic fluid. I ended up having Cameron 4 weeks early, b/c my body thought it was done (my due date always stayed the same but my uterus had a mind of its own). I'm all for giving birth at 36 weeks if the baby is ready! The Dr is going to do a fluid check next apt...until then I suppose I'll keep growing.
On a funny side of things, I just have to add this b/c it made me laugh soooo hard. Jared brought home a dorky gift from someone at work. I was not very nice and said, "Oh good more junk." (Which I know is very mean b/c it's the thought that counts etc etc) Later that night Logan and I went to delivery some neighbor gifts. On one of the porches was a wrapped present and Logan looked at it and said, "Look, they got some junk too!" Yikes!!!! No one heard him say this but I really have to remember to bite my tongue or anything I say will be repeated by him.
On a funny side of things, I just have to add this b/c it made me laugh soooo hard. Jared brought home a dorky gift from someone at work. I was not very nice and said, "Oh good more junk." (Which I know is very mean b/c it's the thought that counts etc etc) Later that night Logan and I went to delivery some neighbor gifts. On one of the porches was a wrapped present and Logan looked at it and said, "Look, they got some junk too!" Yikes!!!! No one heard him say this but I really have to remember to bite my tongue or anything I say will be repeated by him.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Tagged...4th album/4th picture
I have 1,000 of pictures on my computer so this will be fun. The 4th album and the 4th picture is... Logan when he is just about 7 months old. This picture was taken when we had to live in an apartment while our house in Herriman was being built. Looking at this picture, my heart literally melts. Logan was such a happy baby. He loved smiling for the camera. He has grown up so much. I can't believe he will be turning 5 this summer and will be heading off to school. It's truly amazing how time flies. Now I tag Jill, Becky, Brendy, Neena, Ashley, Brandy, and Carmelle. I can't wait to see your pictures.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I am so disappointed at Wendy's fast food. Today while I was taking a rest all I could think about was a BBQ chicken sandwich. As soon as Cameron woke up from his nap I literally threw him in his car and drove to Wendy's. Come to find out they do not have the BBQ sandwich anymore. I was so disappointed that I didn't order anything else, I drove back home empty handed. I then heated up a can of broccoli soup which in no way replaces the craving for a BBQ sandwich. If anyone out there knows of an alternative place to get a great BBQ sandwich (with drive through b/c of the kids) please tell me ASAP.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Chips or Carrots
As I grab for the carrot bag instead of the chip bag, I started thinking about how this pregnancy has been going. For the past month I have been having these "fun" progesterone shots. My doctor "talked" me into having them. The logic behind the injections is is that it will help keep me pregnant w/o complications until 36 weeks. The doctor was concerned that I had preterm contractions with both Logan and Cameron. With Logan the contractions didn't start until 30 weeks and with Cameron it was 27 weeks. Also, both babies were born early. Even though the Dr. was concerned about that, I wasn't. Both boys were 7 LBS which is a big enough baby for me. At first I wasn't going to do the shots. I thought it was an unnecessary.Then the Dr. reminded me how uncomfortable 3 to 4 months of contractions were and the side effects of the medicine they give you to stop the contractions. Not to mention the day to day worry of, "Are this contractions causing me to dilate? Should I go to the doctor? etc. (Which is soooo true. The day both boys were born I was having the same contractions as before-the only difference is I had a Dr appt. YIKES, what if I had no Dr appt, would I had two home births?) I decided that if I can have a pregnancy without 3 to 4 months of extra worry it is totally worth it. I also had this deep down feeling to do it-you know that "inner voice" we should always listen to but sometimes don't. The injections haven't been that bad. Luckily Jared knows how to give the shots so I don't have to travel to the dr's every week. The side effects haven't been that bad. The last three shots Jared has given to me at night. The next day I wake up a little more "moody" than the day before and the injection site is a little sore, no bruising or anything. The last shot Jared gave me during the day which I won't do again. I was throwing up and nauseated all day long. Time will only tell if the shots will really help or not. I hope they do. Other than the shots, I have only felt the normal pregnancy issues. The baby moves constantly, I'm hungry all the time, and time seems to be slowing down. When I think about how many weeks I am, I'm only 23 weeks today. Since this is the last baby, I haven't been stressing as much about what eat. If I feel like cake, I'm going to have some. In fact I think I have a treat every day. If I need to have a day where we sit in our p.j.s all day, we do it. I've been savoring every kick and movement instead of complaining (at least I'm trying not to focus on all the downsides of being pregnant). I'm trying to enjoy each and little moment. Now where are those chips...I mean carrots. I need to eat.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Visit with Santa

I can't believe Christmas is just right around the corner. The past few years I wondered when Logan would be "into" Christmas and Santa. This year he is more than just "into" he is beyond excited about it, he is obsessed with it. Every store we go into he will ask, "Will Santa bring me this?" "Oh, I want Santa to buy me that." We have also been watching the Polar Express just about everyday. Logan's preschool taught him about getting coal instead of presents if you are naughty. It is hilarious to hear him say, Mom if I tease Cameron I won't get any presents. I will get coal. I'm glad that he is excited, but I also want he to be aware of the other part of Christmas. That it isn't just about Santa, that it is also about the spirit of giving. He said he wanted to save his chore money to buy a special present for a friend who didn't have chore money. I thought that was a good plan. He has been busy doing "extra" things for me. I'm excited to see what he buys or makes, and who he decides to give his special present to.
Cameron is at the age where he will not sit on Santa's lap. I've learned from past experiences to not even try. He sat on mine as Santa hugged us. Check out the Santa in the picture. We have been taking pictures with the same Santa for 5 years and I was a little sad to see a "new" one at Fashion Place Mall. Oh well, I guess as long as Logan thought it was Santa, that is what is most important.
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