Monday, December 29, 2008

What the...

What a great Christmas! Here is a quick recap of our holiday.
Our Christmas started the Saturday prior when we piled the kids into the car and went to look at Christmas lights. I had heard that Thanksgiving point had a great light show. It cost $7 for us to drive really wasn't worth the money. But the kids had a great time. However, next year we will just drive the neighborhoods. (Something I did when I was little that I enjoyed each year.) I loved hearing Cameron saying, "Wow...Wow lights." On Christmas Eve we went to my parents house for the annual "Merrill" family dinner. It always amazes me how many people we pack into a tiny eating area. This year there were 15 adults and 3 kids. Although my family all lives here, our schedules are very busy. Holidays like this gives us a reason to see each other.

On Christmas day Logan sprung out of bed eager to see what Santa brought. We all ran downstairs and immediately the "What the..." started. I don't know what got into his little mind but every present he saw he would say "What the". Luckily for us he didn't finish his sentence. Cameron went straight towards the left over Santa food plate. He didn't even think of opening any presents. He was to busy stuffing his face. Logan was so happy. Some of his comments while opening presents were "This is the best day ever." "See, I knew I was good. Santa didn't bring me any coal." "We should have Christmas every day." Later that morning we headed back over to my parents house to open their gifts. The "what the..." continued. After a few presents, Cameron started to get the idea of pulling off paper. He helped everyone unwrap their gifts. When we returned home, everyone snuggled up to take a much needed nap. That night we had a nice turkey dinner with all the works.

That was our holiday in a nut shell. It's strange how long it takes for Christmas to get here, but how quickly it is gone! I agree with Logan, Christmas should be every day!


Becky said...

Sounds fun! Now that Christmas is over, we need to get together and go see Ashley's baby! I hope everyone is sleeping better over there!

c said...

I can only imagine what silly friend taught him the "what the..." At least they don't know how to finish it! Sorry!