Monday, December 22, 2008

3 weeks ahead??

Last week I went to my monthly Dr.'s appt and she was surprised to find that I'm measuring 3 weeks ahead. I wasn't at all b/c I feel huge for 24 weeks. This same thing happened to me when I was pregnant with Cameron. I went in at 28 weeks and was measuring 33! Ok, so now it's happening a little sooner. What does it mean? Last time, I had a few ultra sounds to rule out any baby problems. With Cameron I just had an unusual amount of amniotic fluid. I ended up having Cameron 4 weeks early, b/c my body thought it was done (my due date always stayed the same but my uterus had a mind of its own). I'm all for giving birth at 36 weeks if the baby is ready! The Dr is going to do a fluid check next apt...until then I suppose I'll keep growing.

On a funny side of things, I just have to add this b/c it made me laugh soooo hard. Jared brought home a dorky gift from someone at work. I was not very nice and said, "Oh good more junk." (Which I know is very mean b/c it's the thought that counts etc etc) Later that night Logan and I went to delivery some neighbor gifts. On one of the porches was a wrapped present and Logan looked at it and said, "Look, they got some junk too!" Yikes!!!! No one heard him say this but I really have to remember to bite my tongue or anything I say will be repeated by him.


Becky said...

We are like Jack Sprat and his wife! I have an underactive placenta, and you seem to have an overactive placenta! Between the two of us, we might be able to get it right! I am glas that things overall look good though! It is scary when there are problems! Merry Christmas!

tracy said...

Hey, so what is your anticipated due date now? Mid March or so? We should just have a huge combo baby shower for all of the spring baby ladies around here!

Why didn't I drink that water that you all had? I could have been right there with you all! :)