Saturday, December 6, 2008

Visit with Santa

I can't believe Christmas is just right around the corner. The past few years I wondered when Logan would be "into" Christmas and Santa. This year he is more than just "into" he is beyond excited about it, he is obsessed with it. Every store we go into he will ask, "Will Santa bring me this?" "Oh, I want Santa to buy me that." We have also been watching the Polar Express just about everyday. Logan's preschool taught him about getting coal instead of presents if you are naughty. It is hilarious to hear him say, Mom if I tease Cameron I won't get any presents. I will get coal. I'm glad that he is excited, but I also want he to be aware of the other part of Christmas. That it isn't just about Santa, that it is also about the spirit of giving. He said he wanted to save his chore money to buy a special present for a friend who didn't have chore money. I thought that was a good plan. He has been busy doing "extra" things for me. I'm excited to see what he buys or makes, and who he decides to give his special present to.

Cameron is at the age where he will not sit on Santa's lap. I've learned from past experiences to not even try. He sat on mine as Santa hugged us. Check out the Santa in the picture. We have been taking pictures with the same Santa for 5 years and I was a little sad to see a "new" one at Fashion Place Mall. Oh well, I guess as long as Logan thought it was Santa, that is what is most important.

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