Unfortunately contractions are still coming regularly so the Dr. put me on some new medicine. This is suppose to be more of a time release one-that way I always have the same constant medicine in my system. The downside to the med's is the sleeping-which is not happening even with sleep aides. I am going to be VERY ready for those nighttime feedings. I think last night I finally fell asleep around 1:30 am just to wake up at 3 to pee! Today the stress test went well. Of course baby was sleeping during it and had to be buzzed a few times to wake up. My amniotic fluid levels increased a lot in the past week. It went from 20 to 25.2! This baby has a lot of fluid to swim around in (the concern for this is preterm labor and the water breaking and the cord coming out before the baby-yikes). I've also lost a few pounds-which doesn't surprise me b/c the medicine makes me very nauseated. I'm suppose to eat, eat, eat. Lately, every time I eat, Cameron has half or more of it. This makes me laugh b/c isn't it suppose to be the other way around, me eating his left overs :)
With the help of my mom, Jared's mom and friends (thank you thank you!) I'm trying to maintain my "less active" state. It's hard because mentally and physically I feel fine-I want to run errands or play chase with my boys. However once I start moving, so do the contractions. I'm not on full bed rest but my Dr. insists on just doing the bare minimum. I'm trying, but I'm a very active person so it's hard to go from being busy most the day to just sitting around. I need some new books to read, if anyone has a suggestion that would be GREAT.
Cameron slept in his new bed last night and currently is taking a nap. He is doing awesome. In his crib he slept sideways (head to the wall feet toward the bars) so watching him on the monitor he is trying to figure out his new sleeping position. I'm excited that the transition is going well for him. I cross my fingers that he doesn't discover how to climb off his bed for at least a few more weeks :).
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Conversations With Logan
As I have posted in the past, Logan is constantly talking and asking questions. His recent questions are: "How is the baby going to come out of your stomach? Is your stomach going to explode."
With him being only 4 I wasn't sure how much "detail" I really should go into.
I told him him there was a special baby hole for the baby to come out when it was ready.
Logan then said, "No you just joking, what really happens."
Me-"That is what happens, nothing will happen to my stomach. The baby just comes out a special hole."
Logan- "Ok Mom, whatever you say. I still think your tummy will just explode."
Another example of what goes through little boys minds...
Cameron's new saying is "What are you guys doing in here." He slurs this phrase all together, but it's really cute. (I wonder if he is copying me, I'm constantly saying, Logan what are you doing down there...)Tonight he gets a BIG BOY BED. I hope he adjusts as well as Logan did when we moved him.
Contractions are better, they seem to pick up at the end of the day. The medicine really stops them, but I can't sleep or eat with it. I've been watching A LOT of midnight movies to past the time. Thank goodness both kids still nap! I go to the Dr. tomorrow so we will see what has changed in this past week.
With him being only 4 I wasn't sure how much "detail" I really should go into.
I told him him there was a special baby hole for the baby to come out when it was ready.
Logan then said, "No you just joking, what really happens."
Me-"That is what happens, nothing will happen to my stomach. The baby just comes out a special hole."
Logan- "Ok Mom, whatever you say. I still think your tummy will just explode."
Another example of what goes through little boys minds...
Cameron's new saying is "What are you guys doing in here." He slurs this phrase all together, but it's really cute. (I wonder if he is copying me, I'm constantly saying, Logan what are you doing down there...)Tonight he gets a BIG BOY BED. I hope he adjusts as well as Logan did when we moved him.
Contractions are better, they seem to pick up at the end of the day. The medicine really stops them, but I can't sleep or eat with it. I've been watching A LOT of midnight movies to past the time. Thank goodness both kids still nap! I go to the Dr. tomorrow so we will see what has changed in this past week.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Contractions Contractions-History Repeats Itself
Just a little FYI on what has been happening the last few days. On Wednesday morning I went in for my second stress test and fluid check for the baby. The fluid is increasing but still in normal ranges. What wasn't normal was I was having irregular contractions. I really didn't think much of them. They didn't hurt, and there was no pattern. Plus, I had such irregular on going contractions with both Logan and Cameron I just wasn't that worried. Later Wednesday the contractions started coming more frequently and stronger. Anytime I would do any kind of activity they would start back up. If I laid down they would go away. I tried just going to sleep but all night I was worried about how many, how close, and how hard each contraction was. On Thursday I put a call into my Dr. When she saw me we both were shared our frustrations. I have been doing the progesterone shots each week for 9 weeks now to prevent this exact situation. Why was I having contractions! After the exam she informed me that I was dilating, my cervix is short and soft, and I'm already 40% effaced. What does all that mean? Am I in labor, will I be in labor? Is this baby coming at 29 weeks? She did a test which would help answer those questions. Luckily, the test came out negative. However, she wasn't happy that I've already started "progressing" for delivery. To stop the contractions she put me on Nifedipine. It doesn't have the same horrible side effects that Terbutaline had, but it still makes me feel weird. I've taken three does, and when I walk around I still have contractions. ARRRRR I didn't want to go through this with this pregnancy. I asked the Dr. if I should still continue the shots, since clearly they didn't work. She said, maybe they are working and this would of happened earlier. Which is true, with Logan I started all this at 30 weeks, Cameron 28. So to be at 29, maybe I would of been 26-no one knows for sure-but at least I'm not thinking Gosh, I should of just done the weekly shots to prevent this. I'm on them and hope that they are doing something from me to go into full labor. Now I have to not only have weekly stress tests, but I get to see the Dr. once a week. I'm very thankful that the contractions are still irregular, that they stop when I stop moving. But I'm very frustrated and stressed out because how do you just sit around with two kids all day. You can't and don't. I'm in nesting mode and can't just sit around. Hopefully the contractions will go away with the medicine and I can finish decorating Cameron's Big Boy room. If the goal is 36 weeks I only have 7 more weeks to endure what ever comes my way.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Parenthood For Dummies
Just a few minutes ago Logan and Cameron were both standing in the kitchen telling me what they wanted to eat. As I was trying to decode what Cameron was so adamantly saying to me, I was thinking, "Why isn't there a Parenthood For Dummies book?" They have photography for dummies, computers for dummies, sewing for dummies. They really need to start publishing Understanding Toddler Years For Dummies, and Understanding Preschoolers For Dummies. It would make my life so much simpler if I could turn to a page and read, "If you child has his hands out to the side saying ttttttt. It means treat. He would like a treat."
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

How cute is my little boy! I love Cameron sooooo much. He brings such a fun loving personality into our home. He is very cuddly and has such a tender little soul. He has such a cute voice. After he takes a bath he loves to snuggle up in the towel as he runs around the house singing, "naked, naked naked". When he goes potty, he loves singing songs. His newest one is Head, shoulder, knees and toes. (He is doing great with going poop...he'll pee if I take him But hasn't told me he needs to pee yet. He does tell me when he needs to poop-which is AWESOME!!!) Logan is trying to teach him his numbers. Logan will say, "Cameron say one." Cameron then will say, "two". Logan will say, "Cameron say two." Cameron will skip ahead again and say "three". At first this frustrated Logan, but now he understands it's Cameron's little game. Cameron's already addicted to chocolate. He'll ask for it all day long...hmm I suppose this takes after me. Cameron enjoys playing with play dough, playing with cars, and just simply hanging out. In the next two weeks we will be moving him into a twin bed! I hope his relaxed personality will make this an easy transition.
**Baby update-I have the most cautious Doctor around. (I'd rather have an over cautious Dr. then someone who didn't care.) My fluid levels where on the higher end last week so I have to start getting them check once a week. YIKES! This involves an ultra sound-which normally would be welcomed but how can I go once a week for maybe the next 11 without sneaking a peak at what I'm having. It's plan torture. I really didn't know high fluid was such a concern. When I asked the Dr. she said that at this point it can be a cause for preterm labor (anything before 37 weeks is considered preterm) and problems with delivery. By following Dr.'s orders I will become a pro at reading ultrasound images...if I get any of the "area" I'll post them and everyone can put their input of what they think they mean. ;)
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Less than 100 days
I went online and figured out that I only have 84 days until April 2nd. This is when my Dr. will induce me if the baby hasn't come on it's own. I'm sure with my track record that this won't be needed but as a "planner" it is nice to have a date in mind. This week the nesting instinct kicked in. Not knowing if the baby is a girl or boy has caused me to panic a little. However, I have been using my new found energy to clean closets, organize bedrooms, and have the nursery ready for a boy-just in case. As I clean out the closets I feel that I'm really moving one item from one place to another. Yet, I'm doing something to prepare for this little one. This week I had an ultra sound to check fluid levels and movement. Everything looks great. The baby has chosen to lay sideways, this position makes my stomach take on a really strange shape. If he/she doesn't turn by 32 weeks then I have to do some exercises to coax it. Jared and I came up with a boy and a girl name that we both agree on. Which is no small task. (I still think that it should be a unwritten rule that the pregnant one gets the final say on the name. If men really understood EVERYTHING we go through while pregnant, they would agree to this without hesitation.) Coming up with the names has made me felt more sure that we are having a boy. I know all the "old wives tales" point toward a girl. But the feeling I got inside when we wrote the boy name down on our list, the boy name just felt right. I guess if it's a boy we will just have to keep on trying. NOT, j/k ha ha. If I'm meant to raise little boys, then that is what God has chosen for me to do. :) I just will need a few more spa days in my lifetime.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Onto another year...

2008 sure went by fast...here are a few of our favorite memories
1. Trip to Kaui-sure wish I had something like that this year
2. Cameron turning 1, learning to walk, and at 15 months finally getting teeth
3. Jared buying the car he has always wanted...a truck
4. After 2 years of hard work, Jared finished the basement!!! Hurray for extra space.
5. Finding out baby number 3 is on its way
6. Logan turning 4-learning how to write letters, color "in the lines" and wanting to learn how to read.
7. Having the chance to go on vacation to Las Vegas with my mom and 3 of my sisters (little brother somehow managed to come on the trip to0 ) It's amazing how rested you feel only 4 days away from your kids.
8. Spending the summer at the pool or splash park and the zoo(I miss warm weather immensely)
9. Watching Logan and Cameron become not just brothers but playmates
10. Logan trying to play t-ball
11. Jared and I celebrating 7 years being married :)
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