Sunday, January 18, 2009

Parenthood For Dummies

Just a few minutes ago Logan and Cameron were both standing in the kitchen telling me what they wanted to eat. As I was trying to decode what Cameron was so adamantly saying to me, I was thinking, "Why isn't there a Parenthood For Dummies book?" They have photography for dummies, computers for dummies, sewing for dummies. They really need to start publishing Understanding Toddler Years For Dummies, and Understanding Preschoolers For Dummies. It would make my life so much simpler if I could turn to a page and read, "If you child has his hands out to the side saying ttttttt. It means treat. He would like a treat."


Jill said...

Great idea, Liz! Go ahead and write it so I can have all your parenting knowledge!!

tracy said...

You are so right! Even with the bajillions of books out there on parenting, sometimes it seems that all bases of figuring out parenting don't seem to get covered.

c said...

I'd stand in line to buy that one! They need to have a series up through the teenage years.