Friday, January 23, 2009

Contractions Contractions-History Repeats Itself

Just a little FYI on what has been happening the last few days. On Wednesday morning I went in for my second stress test and fluid check for the baby. The fluid is increasing but still in normal ranges. What wasn't normal was I was having irregular contractions. I really didn't think much of them. They didn't hurt, and there was no pattern. Plus, I had such irregular on going contractions with both Logan and Cameron I just wasn't that worried. Later Wednesday the contractions started coming more frequently and stronger. Anytime I would do any kind of activity they would start back up. If I laid down they would go away. I tried just going to sleep but all night I was worried about how many, how close, and how hard each contraction was. On Thursday I put a call into my Dr. When she saw me we both were shared our frustrations. I have been doing the progesterone shots each week for 9 weeks now to prevent this exact situation. Why was I having contractions! After the exam she informed me that I was dilating, my cervix is short and soft, and I'm already 40% effaced. What does all that mean? Am I in labor, will I be in labor? Is this baby coming at 29 weeks? She did a test which would help answer those questions. Luckily, the test came out negative. However, she wasn't happy that I've already started "progressing" for delivery. To stop the contractions she put me on Nifedipine. It doesn't have the same horrible side effects that Terbutaline had, but it still makes me feel weird. I've taken three does, and when I walk around I still have contractions. ARRRRR I didn't want to go through this with this pregnancy. I asked the Dr. if I should still continue the shots, since clearly they didn't work. She said, maybe they are working and this would of happened earlier. Which is true, with Logan I started all this at 30 weeks, Cameron 28. So to be at 29, maybe I would of been 26-no one knows for sure-but at least I'm not thinking Gosh, I should of just done the weekly shots to prevent this. I'm on them and hope that they are doing something from me to go into full labor. Now I have to not only have weekly stress tests, but I get to see the Dr. once a week. I'm very thankful that the contractions are still irregular, that they stop when I stop moving. But I'm very frustrated and stressed out because how do you just sit around with two kids all day. You can't and don't. I'm in nesting mode and can't just sit around. Hopefully the contractions will go away with the medicine and I can finish decorating Cameron's Big Boy room. If the goal is 36 weeks I only have 7 more weeks to endure what ever comes my way.


Jackie Blum said...

Oh Liz. Oh honey. I read your post and feel I could have written it myself. The stress, worry and pain you are now feeling I share, and I know where you are. The Procardia (Nifedipine) you are taking is good stuff. I took it orally before going on the Terbutaline pump. The Procardia wasn't strong enough for me. It did give me frequent headaches, but that was OK with me because the Terbutaline made me feel like I was going to crawl out of my skin! I know it is so hard to take it easy with two growing boys, a husband and a home to all care for, but YOU HAVE TO. Lessened activity is better than complete bed rest. You can make it to 36 weeks! I am praying for you, and I have asked God to help you distinguish between a little bout of contractions and something that requires more attention. I won't tell you not to stress because that is impossible. So again, I just pray your body tells you what to do. In the meantime, there is a website I think you might find helpful: It is a website designed to support mothers with high-risk pregnancies. There are message boards on the site that you can participate in. Most of the women are on bed rest, like I was, but it is still a great resource and a wonderful network of women who are experiencing THE SAME THING. That website helped me a lot. I am sending hugs your way. Hang in there, sweetie. It's not forever, and you're not alone.

Jill said...

So Scary!! Call me if you need anything, I'm right next door...

tracy said...

Auntie Trace is ready and able to scoop up the boys whenever you need me to - we will work it all out!

So glad to talk to you today and now to follow up with your blog, and so glad you and Jackie are connected!

Bkay said...

I am so sorry! I can't imagine how hard this all is! Let's get together and I will pamper you and the kids will play and you will not have anything to worry about!