Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Onto another year...

2008 sure went by fast...here are a few of our favorite memories

1. Trip to Kaui-sure wish I had something like that this year

2. Cameron turning 1, learning to walk, and at 15 months finally getting teeth

3. Jared buying the car he has always wanted...a truck

4. After 2 years of hard work, Jared finished the basement!!! Hurray for extra space.

5. Finding out baby number 3 is on its way

6. Logan turning 4-learning how to write letters, color "in the lines" and wanting to learn how to read.

7. Having the chance to go on vacation to Las Vegas with my mom and 3 of my sisters (little brother somehow managed to come on the trip to0 ) It's amazing how rested you feel only 4 days away from your kids.

8. Spending the summer at the pool or splash park and the zoo(I miss warm weather immensely)

9. Watching Logan and Cameron become not just brothers but playmates

10. Logan trying to play t-ball
11. Jared and I celebrating 7 years being married :)

1 comment:

tracy said...

Love the memories and the photos!