Wednesday, January 14, 2009

How cute is my little boy! I love Cameron sooooo much. He brings such a fun loving personality into our home. He is very cuddly and has such a tender little soul. He has such a cute voice. After he takes a bath he loves to snuggle up in the towel as he runs around the house singing, "naked, naked naked". When he goes potty, he loves singing songs. His newest one is Head, shoulder, knees and toes. (He is doing great with going poop...he'll pee if I take him But hasn't told me he needs to pee yet. He does tell me when he needs to poop-which is AWESOME!!!) Logan is trying to teach him his numbers. Logan will say, "Cameron say one." Cameron then will say, "two". Logan will say, "Cameron say two." Cameron will skip ahead again and say "three". At first this frustrated Logan, but now he understands it's Cameron's little game. Cameron's already addicted to chocolate. He'll ask for it all day long...hmm I suppose this takes after me. Cameron enjoys playing with play dough, playing with cars, and just simply hanging out. In the next two weeks we will be moving him into a twin bed! I hope his relaxed personality will make this an easy transition.

**Baby update-I have the most cautious Doctor around. (I'd rather have an over cautious Dr. then someone who didn't care.) My fluid levels where on the higher end last week so I have to start getting them check once a week. YIKES! This involves an ultra sound-which normally would be welcomed but how can I go once a week for maybe the next 11 without sneaking a peak at what I'm having. It's plan torture. I really didn't know high fluid was such a concern. When I asked the Dr. she said that at this point it can be a cause for preterm labor (anything before 37 weeks is considered preterm) and problems with delivery. By following Dr.'s orders I will become a pro at reading ultrasound images...if I get any of the "area" I'll post them and everyone can put their input of what they think they mean. ;)

1 comment:

Becky said...

Cameron is adorable! Those frequent trips to the hospital start to get real old, real fast, but I agree with you. I would rather be safe than sorry. Hopefully it won't ruin the surprise!