Monday, June 1, 2009


My Blog Friend Jackie tagged me...
Here is what you need to do
1. List Six UNIMPORTANT Things That Make You Happy.
2. Mention and link to the person who tagged you
3. Tag six of your favorite bloggers to play along, and comment on their blog to let them know they've been tagged.

My six UNIMPORTANT things that make me happy are:
1. Sitting on the deck at night and talking about random things with my husband
2. Peanut butter and chocolate
3. Reading my kids journals/picture books that I make for them each year
4. Napping
5. Getting my hair done
6. I love sitting outside in the summer when we go out to eat. It makes me feel like I'm on vacation.

I tag
Brendy, Becky, Neena, Julie, Brandy, Jill, and Carmelle


Ashley C. said...

So cute! So fun to see you last night and see your darling baby! He is so cute!! It was so nice to catch up a little. Cant wait to do it again soon!

c said...

Ok, I could totally ditto everything you said, but I'll try to come up with my own :)