Thursday, January 8, 2009

Less than 100 days

I went online and figured out that I only have 84 days until April 2nd. This is when my Dr. will induce me if the baby hasn't come on it's own. I'm sure with my track record that this won't be needed but as a "planner" it is nice to have a date in mind. This week the nesting instinct kicked in. Not knowing if the baby is a girl or boy has caused me to panic a little. However, I have been using my new found energy to clean closets, organize bedrooms, and have the nursery ready for a boy-just in case. As I clean out the closets I feel that I'm really moving one item from one place to another. Yet, I'm doing something to prepare for this little one. This week I had an ultra sound to check fluid levels and movement. Everything looks great. The baby has chosen to lay sideways, this position makes my stomach take on a really strange shape. If he/she doesn't turn by 32 weeks then I have to do some exercises to coax it. Jared and I came up with a boy and a girl name that we both agree on. Which is no small task. (I still think that it should be a unwritten rule that the pregnant one gets the final say on the name. If men really understood EVERYTHING we go through while pregnant, they would agree to this without hesitation.) Coming up with the names has made me felt more sure that we are having a boy. I know all the "old wives tales" point toward a girl. But the feeling I got inside when we wrote the boy name down on our list, the boy name just felt right. I guess if it's a boy we will just have to keep on trying. NOT, j/k ha ha. If I'm meant to raise little boys, then that is what God has chosen for me to do. :) I just will need a few more spa days in my lifetime.


Becky said...

Wow! The time goes so fast! Amen to the pregnant one getting the last say on the name! Unfortunately, that arguement never won in our house either. Oh well...I'm sure that whatever it will be, you two will have picked out some fabulous names! Are you keeping them a secret?

tracy said...

I also wish that guys could even have just one day in a pregnant woman's body - like the 7th month onward - to "get it" a bit more regarding the crazy emotional/physical things that we women endure!

Excited to hear your name choices and to see you next week!