Jace just turned 4 months old. He is my little koala. Seriously, I carry him around every where. I carry him in my right arm because it seems a lot stronger than my left, because of this I've had to become a little ambidextrous. (But I would imagine most moms are...) Sometimes it is just easier to carry him around then worry about him laying on the floor and getting tackled by one of his brothers.
Jace found his "voice" this week". He sounds like a cat meowing & a owl hooting when he "talks". He loves watching the boys and giggles when Logan talks to him. He still prefers to be swaddled when going to sleep. At times the swaddling back fires b/c he becomes unwrapped and doesn't know what to do with his arms.
He enjoys laying on his stomach and can roll over if he is in just the right position. Sometimes when he is on his tummy, he'll even scoot a little. It's a full body effort, but he does manage to move a little. He is reaching out for objects, his favorite seems to be my hand. Once he gets something in his grasp, he has to chew on it.
Yesterday he got his shots and I was surprised to hear he is only 13 LBS. I thought for sure he would be at least 15. He has several fat rolls on his legs and his cheeks are very chubby.
If you see him, he will smile instantly and will chuckle when you tickle him (he is ticklish all over!). I couldn't be luckier to have such a happy, easy going baby. If I had to pick something to complain about it would be how he has regressed at sleeping at night. He use to sleep at least 7 hours, some nights even longer. For the last couple of weeks he is back to only going 3 to 4 hours. I hoping this extra feeding at night is just to help him through a growth spurt and will soon be over.
His little personality is developing quickly. He is sweet, easy going, predictable, and puts up with commotion of our busy house. I'm excited for the next couple of months.