Cameron has moved on from loving little toy cars to loving airplanes. He carries this little plane everywhere. He doesn't want to put it down to eat, sleep, or go potty. As he putters around the house he has his blanket in one hand and his airplane in the other. It's very funny.
A few weeks ago my dad, Grandpa Gary, took Logan on an awesome adventure. Their day was filled with hunting for alligators, treasure hunts, and a fun outing at the Davis Fair, where they got to see real alligators. That night they had a camp fire and camped in my parents backyard. Logan talked nonstop about the treasure hunt and sleeping in a tent with Grandpa. Logan is very lucky to have a goofy, silly, fun, loving friend to hang out with. When Logan came home he told me that he wanted Grandpa to make a snake day next time.

Grandma and Grandpa Friel came to visit and they took Logan back to St. George with them. Logan doesn't start school until Thursday, they jumped at the chance to have their little pal at their house. He loves swimming, eating treats, and being their little helper around the house. He told me that he was excited to go because then he wouldn't have to share anything. Again the house feels strange without Logan. The one thing I don't miss is getting up at 6:30 every morning. I do have to brag that I've gotten to sleep in these past few days-one day was 9 and the other was 8. I haven't slept until 9 for about 5 years!!! It is amazing what you can get done around the house when you aren't exhausted. :) I love the fact that Logan enjoys being with his grandparents and they love taking him. We are already planning the next trip with them over UEA weekend. 

You got to sleep until 8 or 9?? Good for you!!
It is so nice to have involved grandparents! How fun for the them, the kids and you! September 16 sounds great to me. I let Brendy know, too! Thanks for planning...again!
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