Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I know longer have a new baby. I have a 6 month old!!! Jace is 15 LBS 10OZ. A couple of weeks ago I started him on baby food. I've been able to give him fresh beans and carrots from our garden. He LOVES feeding himself. I love the fact that I can sit him in his seat and he can munch on crackers or bread while I make dinner. Jace loves playing with toys!! I can sit him in front of a basket and he'll spend the next 30 minutes investigating all the toys. Recently I stopped swaddling him, which was hard for a few days. While figuring how to sleep with his arms free, he learned how to roll from his back to stomach and prefers to sleep that way. Now, he has started to sleep longer during nap times and is skipping one night time feeding-he still eats around 2 and 5. Jace is always smiling and laughing. He always gets the hiccups when he laughs. He says "googa" when you talk to him. He is very flexible and easy going. Logan adores him. He wants to pick him up and snuggle with him. He has started to crawl backwards. Yikes, I don't want him crawl yet! Then I'll never get anything done.


tracy said...

How sweet Jace is - and what a smile! Oh he is such a cute combo of the boys, yet all Jace!

Love your family photos - you all look so cute and beaming with good health! Love you guys!

Emery said...

You have the cutest kids ever! I love the Family photos. (I won't tell your husband he's on here!) Haa Haa!!!

Becker Family said...

Liz your family is darling!!!! I am so glad he can sit in his high chair and is entertained by toys!! YEAH!!!

Holly said...

Hi Liz! I love your family photos. And Jace is getting so big! We need to get together again...next week? I forgot I was going to let you try that Bumbo chair...looks like he doesn't need it any more!

Your husband doesn't like being on the blog either? My husband hates when I post pictures of him.