Saturday, April 4, 2009

The honeymoon is almost over

I have one more day to enjoy having Jared home. This past week it has been wonderful to have an extra pair of hands to help with the kids. The part I've liked most is being able to sleep in a little. On Monday I will be on my own with three little ones. I imagine the hardest part of my day will be the early morning. Jared gets up at 5 and leaves by 5:30. Logan wakes up at 7 and Cameron usually is up by 7:30. This past week I have been going to sleep around 11:30 and waking up every two hrs averaging about 4 to 5 hrs a night. It seems I'm surviving on so little sleep because I've been taking a nap in the early morning and late afternoon. Next week will be interesting! I'm thankful that Logan goes to preschool and on most days that Jared gets home by 4 . I'm sure we will survive, even if it means watching a few extra movies just so I can rest my eyes for a few minutes.

Jace is already over a week old. This week has flown by! Jace has a little jaundice-I've had to get his tiny foot poked every other day to make sure the bilirubin levels are decreasing; which on Friday they were. He is eating very well. He will take the pacifier during the day but at night would rather nurse to sleep. I'm trying to treausre every moment with him. He will only be this tiny for only a couple more weeks.

Logan and Cameron have been great all week. They love holding him and interacting with him when he is awake. They both have been big helpers with throwing away the diapers or getting something from his room for me.

I'm feeling really good. One of the best parts of having a baby is that you have a reason for all your friends to visit. I love all you guys! Thanks for making the time out of your busy lives to feed us, and just come over to chat. I'm very thankful for each and every one of you.


tracy said...

I love this post!

I missed having you at the party with us today - Logan was adorable! - but you had two more adorable ones to take care of...

I am open Monday afternoon, Wednesday anytime and Friday anytime as well, so utilize me! I want you to keep getting your naps, so lets plan some times for me to help out.

Jackie Blum said...

I will tell you the same thing someone told me when Ian was first born: "Enjoy him." It looks like you are, and I'm glad for that! Ian is going on 4 months already and as I put his 0-3m clothes in a storage bin the other night, I started to cry. It all goes by so fast. I'm glad Tracy is so close - take advantage of her offers to help! You need the sleep and tracy is the best with Kids!

Becky said...

You will do great! I, too, am willing to help out in any way I can. Just holler if you need something...a nap, someone to hold a fussy baby, or even just to eat some chocolate cake! I got you covered!

Elegante Family said...

Good luck, Three gets interesting. Let me know if you need any help!