Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Reading over past blogs, I've discovered that I haven't even written about baby number 3. I'm really not sure why. I think that there has been so many other things going on in our lives that my little growing belly was forgotten. Not today! This post is all about baby Friel-watch out. You might read a little more information than you wanted to know about me. LOL
I'm 99% sure that this baby is our last. I always thought I would just have two, but then Cameron was a born, I knew we would try for a third. In my heart I knew we were suppose to have one more. At 18 weeks I'm just about half way to finding out what this little runt will be. Yup, that is right, we aren't going to find out what we are having. I get my ultra sound next week and I'm dying to know. But then I think about being in the hospital when the baby arrives and how fun it will be to have the doctor shout "It's a ....." I get all giddy and happy when I think about it. I'm telling myself it's a boy. Just because I feel the chances of us having a girl are unlikely. We got pregnant right away, we have two other boys, and my sister cursed me when I was little that I would only have boys-thanks Marsha. I'm also not finding out because I don't want to hear other people's disappointments for 5 long months. I can just hear it, "Oh you are having another boy...that's to bad." Everyone knows that I would love a little girl. Sometimes I even start to cry when I think about having a little girl. I would love to see what a little Jared and Liz mix together would be like. I love to think about her personality, what she and I would have in common, etc. I love my boys more than anything and having another boy would be wonderful-especially with all the boy stuff we have. But the truth is, all I want is a healthy happy baby. When this baby is placed in my hands I'm not going to feel sad or upset if it's a boy. I'm going to feel complete joy. Gender will not matter.
The biggest problem for me with not finding out is the "planning" and being prepared. But I've decided that I'll have everything washed and ready for a little boy. If it's a girl, my family will be in charge! With four sisters (and two brothers), and a wonderful mom- things will be done by the time I return from the hospital. I don't need to know the gender to make sure I have plenty of diapers, blankets, and other essential baby items.
This pregnancy has flown by. The first few months were exhausting both emotionally and physically. I had some issues that made me think I was going to miscarry. Then came the all day throwing up. Now I find myself enjoying food again-way to much. I mean I actually crave food. The other two pregnancies I hated food. This one I want candy, chocolate, chips, soda, pasta, salad, cheese, BBQ sauce, apple pie, beans, oranges, and bananas. I have wanted to avoid most meat especially hamburgers and fried food. The smell of a fast food place makes me want to vomit. The most overwhelming craving has been soda-which I'm not a pop drinker so this is really strange for me. The first couple of weeks it was diet coke with a lime. Then just diet coke. Now it's diet cherry coke!! Totally random.
At about 14 weeks I started feeling the baby move. Now I can feel him/her a lot. I love this feeling. I even miss it when I'm not pregnant. I have felt really good the last two months. Sometimes I even forget I'm pregnant-that is until I look in the mirror and see my stomach sticking out. I haven't had any massive headaches. Gosh, with Logan and Cameron i had migraines every night. My biggest complaint would be that I'm extremely tired ALL THE TIME. Jared says I talk about sleep to much. I probably do b/c I'm just so tired. In reality aren't we all tired -kids, work, play, its exhausting.
I went online to find some old wives tales. Here are my answers to them:

You are carrying the extra weight around the hips and bottom, so it's a girl. The hair on your legs isn't growing. So it's a girl (I just feel like I shave less b/c I wear pants more than shorts.) I'm carring low. You are going to have a boy. (Maybe I'll redo this one later, isn't all babies low in the beginning?) Sleeping in a bed with your pillow to the north indicates that you will be having a boy. (Well it's not by choice, that is how our bed faces-north. I don't have any other way I can sleep.) Your feet are not colder than they were before pregnancy. You are having a girl.You refuse to eat the heel of a loaf of bread. You are having a girl.Dad-to-be hasn't been gaining weight along with Mom-to-be, so it will be a girl. (Jared never gains weight, he looses it b/c he works so hard and doesn't eat!!) The maternal grandmother has grey hair. BoyYou had morning sickness early in pregnancy, so you are expecting a girl. You are not looking particularly good during pregnancy. Therefore, it must be a girl, because girls steal their mother's looks. (I've had a lot of zits, and I just feel blahhh. My maternity clothes are 4 years old. Everything fits weird etc.) Your chest development has been quite dramatic during pregnancy. You should expect a girl. ( I swear ever morning they grow more.) Since the sum of the mother's age at conception and the number of the month of conception is an odd number, it will be a girl. A needle on a thread held over you belly moves from side-to-side, so it will be a girl. Your urine is a bright neon yellow color, so you will have a boy. You are craving sweets, which means that it is a girl. Your nose hasn't changed during pregnancy, which indicates a girl. You have been craving fruits, so it is a girl.Your baby's heart rate is 140 or more beats per minute, so it's a girl. (last visit was 155) You must have orange juice every day, so it's a girl. (This baby loves orange juice...it moves around right after I drink it.) You are not having headaches, so it's a girl. Your belly looks like a watermelon, so it's a girl. You show them the palm of your hand, so it's a girl. You use the body of the mug, so it's a girl.

Based on my answers it's a girl. Some of these questions are so funny...like the mug and hand one. Those are quite random. As I get closer to April we will have to have a bet and and a due date prediction. Until then I will try to post more about BABY FRIEL.


c said...

I am so excited and anxious to know what you will have - I don't know how you can stand it!! I craved sweets and didn't like meat with Olivia.

Neena said...

Liz I'm proud of you, I couldn't do it, here I had one of each and I still had to find out. Just a warning in my ultrasound for Jonas as soon as they started I saw what he was, so look away until the tech says its safe to look. I can't wait until April!!!

Ashley C. said...

yippee. i am so proud of you for not wanting to find out. i couldnt do it either. i will just have to live through you!! so fun. loved the post... and either way another friel baby is so exciting!!

Bkay said...

You are darling, and I have to disagree, I saw you just the other day and I didn't see your belly at all. You are always beautiful. I can't wait to see you soon.

Becky said...

What funny old wives tales! Thank heavens for modern medicine! I agree with BKay--you aare always looking good...maybe a little too good! And you are pregnant! Do you think you could grow a few zits and retain a little water to make the rest of us feel a little better? Gee whiz!!!