Saturday, November 1, 2008

Watch out...Liz was in the kitchen

One day last week I found myself with some spare time :) LOL The kids were outside getting dirty therefore not inside needing to be entertained. I decided to attempt to make bread. All of my teaching buddies have all talked about making homemade recipes where as I make food only from packages. I searched online to find a yummy sounding bread recipe that seemed easy for beginners. When I went to the store to buy the ingredients I had to ask where to find the yeast. But at least I knew where to find the flour. Before I started cooking, there were a few terms I had to look up, such as punching out the dough after it has risen and shaping the dough into loaves. Thanks to the Internet I had a step by step guide to making my first loaves of white bread. I am happy to say it turned out great. Everything went smooth, from the yeast puffing up. To the dough rising. The smell of fresh baked bread was so yummy. The final test was the taste. I would rate the bread a 7. I'm not a huge white bread fan, but it was delicious with honey and jam on it. It was fun to try something new in the kitchen. I can't wait to make wheat bread next.

Simple But Sweet Halloween

Halloween was a blast. Logan had the hardest time trying to decided what he wanted to be for Halloween. It went from a lion with claws, to an astronaut, to just nothing. Then one day he found this cop costume and said he wanted to be a cop so he could put people in jail. (Which lead to ongoing questions about jail and who goes there. How long someone goes there for...etc)
Cameron was a little frog. He didn't even flinch when I put him in his little outfit. They both had so much fun going door to door to get candy. Cameron caught on quickly of the idea of showing the person at the door his bag to get candy. Logan loved coming home and sorting all the different kinds of treats he got. He had to see all his choices before choosing one to eat.


Becky said...

The bread looks fantastic! You are a natural! I'm glad you tried something new! The kids looked adorable, too!

c said...

The bread was yummy - thanks! Even Jackson, our non-bread lover thought it was good!

tracy said...

I am excited to have you teach me your new skill, as you know I am the world's most pathetic baker!

I bet it turned out fabulous and what a fun new tradition to make fond memories with!