Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Logan's Addiction

Logan has this addiction that he seriously needs an intervention to help him quit. He is obsessed with “little books”. Some may say “How cute, he loves small books.” Yes, this “need” for having a tiny book was cute at first. I would search the store for a small notepad but now it’s plain irritating. We will walk into a store, a house, or even the library. The first thing he says is “Let’s look for a little book for me.” I use to enjoy helping him find his small book, but I soon realized that once he has that tiny book in his hand-the thrill of having it would last only a short time. Then the book would go into the drawer with all the other small books his obtain. The cycle then would start again. He doesn’t read the books, he doesn’t write in them, all he does is carry them around for a short time and then discards them. Beware your house is not safe! He will find a small book to take with him. He has come home with a small Bible (which he carried to school for months), a quote book of famous last words, and tree labeling book. This past week I declared that we will not support his addiction any longer. The books he had, needed him. They were sad that no one was reading them, or writing in them. Before any new books are bought, the old ones need to be used. He has agreed to start using them…only time will tell.

1 comment:

c said...

I am totally laughing right now! At least Miss Kim says he never misplaces , forgets, or even puts down the ones he takes to school!