Monday, November 10, 2008

The Binky

Cameron has a binky that he uses only at night and nap time (there are a few moments I pull it out so I don't pull out my hair). It's funny because it took him a good few months to even take one. Now, Jared and I are trying to figure out when we should take it away. Today I tried and couldn't do it. Cameron has never cried at nap time or bed time (since he was at least one). Today he cried for 15 minutes and I cave. He looked so sad, and bewildered. I've never heard him cry that hard either. He has a blanket that he loves but he also LOVES his binky. He has never gone to sleep w/o a binky (except in the car). We didn't have to experience this with Logan b/c at 15 months Logan gave the binky up on his own. I did help Kate, the little girl I use to watch, stop using the binky at nap time but it seemed easier...even though she cried HARD, and I felt sick to my stomach. I stuck with it. But it seemed she was playing with it half the time, throwing it out of the crib or chewing on it. When she tranistion she seemed more ready...I just don't know if I should wait until Cameron does the same. Does it really hurt for him to have one? How old is to old? I know it will just get harder and harder. He really needs to learn to fall asleep without it. How do you teach that? Is crying really the only way? Any advice would be great.


Becky said...

None of my kids ever took a binky, so I don't know! I did have a sister-in-law who just cut the end off. She told him that it was broken, and after that, he just didn't want it anymore. Good luck though!

c said...

Oh, I change my mind - I can't do this either! We are planning to take Livia off the binkie at bedtime/naptime this week too. I keep putting it off until "tomorrow". After reading this post, I give up!! They won't want it by the time they go to school, right?