Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Can it really be this easy?

I hope I don't jinx myself but Cameron did not cry at all tonight. I laid him down a little early thinking he would be crying for at least an hour. Well, he just played in his crib for an hour!!!!!!!! He didn't cry for the binky once tonight. I guess we will see how he does the rest of the night, and in the morning.

**Night update: Cameron woke up once around 2:30. He cried hard for about 5 minutes. He talked for about 5 minutes. He went back to sleep within 15 minutes of waking up. I'm so proud of him (& myself!) When he woke up at 7 this morning. He told me how his binky was broken. Thanks Becky for the great idea of cutting the binky. I hope this transition continues to go smoothly.


Becky said...

I am sure it will, and even if it doesn't, then you have proven to yourself that you can be stronger than his will! I am proud of you!

tracy said...

Now you can wrap up his binky and "say goodbye" to it with thanks for the comfort it gave you. Then discard it and give him a sticker or new crayons or something to replace "the loss"

That is going so much smoother than you anticipated!