Grandma is going to stay until Wednesday to help me get one more week. I'm very thankful for having her. The kids are adjusting. They have started to listen to her and obey what grandma has to say. I know it's hard for Logan to have three adults in the house telling him what to do-it's hard for me! A Grandma is suppose to be the one who lets you eat treats all day and get way with stuff, not the one making you eat fruits and veggies and putting you in time out. But without Grandma Laura, we would be in deep trouble, Logan will just have to endure a little bit longer. Her and I have come up with a system to help me get some rest and the kids to rely on her more. In the morning they are basically "locked" downstairs with her. We simply lock the gate to the stairs so they can not come up and bang on my bedroom door. As long as Logan doesn't ask for me, Cameron stays happy.
With all this time on my hands I've been able to read A LOT! I don't have a t.v. in my room so unless I want to sort my underwear drawer :) I've been occupying my time with books. A few weeks ago I read THE READER, which Hollywood has made into a movie. The book was ok but I think the movie will be better b/c the actors will add some drama to the story. After reading this book I started reading three other Holocaust stories.
I'LL PLANT YOU A LILAC TREE : This book tells a story about a young girl and her life before, during, and at the concentration camp. (Adult fiction)
NUMBER OF THE STARS : Quick young adult book- It tells a story about a girl and her best friend. I thought the title should be THE HANDKERCHIEF because the story really is about a special handerchief and the singifinace of how it changed history.
THE FINAL JOURNEY: The entire book is about a young girl and her journey on the train taking her to the concentration camp. On her journey she had to learn the real facts about what why she was on the train and what was happening in the world around her.
DEVIL'S ARITHMETIC: Another quick read... A little girl goes back in time and experiences life being dragged away to a concentration camp and surviving.
Now I'm reading BRIAR ROSE. I don't know why I'm so intrigue by such an unpleasant subject, but I tend to do that with books. I pick one genre and read it until I can't stand it anymore-then I move onto the next. I should be revisiting how to take care of a newborn. Even though I've been through this twice I'm sure I'll have some surprises and a list of questions that I'll be running to the book store to help me answer.

Here is a recent picture of me...i feel funny posting a picture of myself but what the heck... Black is such an awesome color. I almost don't look prego.