Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Today's Dr.'s visit was a surprise. My Dr. is out of town so I had to see someone I've never met before. She checked me and based on what my Dr. wrote and what she "evaluated" me at, my cervix is dilating & changing AGAIN. I'm only 32 weeks (however I'm still measuring 3 weeks ahead which I guess really doesn't matter). After consulting with another Dr. they decided to give me the steroid shot for the baby's lungs just to be cautious. I have to go back in 24 hrs to be reevaluated and receive the 2ND shot. I was in complete shock b/c here was someone I had no relationship with telling me what to do with no real explanation for it...I felt a little like I was experiencing a scene from the movie Knocked Up, "Where is my Dr. I need my Dr. We had a plan!" Even though she wasn't my Dr., she is a doctor. I decided to give her the respect that she knows what she is doing and if she thought I was progressing more than last week, I needed to have confidence in that decision. There is no down side for getting the steroid shot, only an up side if the baby came early.

When I left the Dr's office I was numb. Actually I was confused. What does it all mean? Should I be freaking out? I decided to call the Dr. office and ask that question. The nurse laughed a little, "No, I shouldn't be freaking out." She did a better job at explaining what was going on. At this point the contractions are causing small changes in my cervix. If I progress further, they will need to try some different medicine, possibly be on bed rest in the hospital for a day or two. (Jackie if you read this, I feel like I'm reliving different parts of your pregnancy that I read on your blog. How do you have any hair left on your head?) But the changes were small, yet enough to alarm the Dr. into giving me the shot. If they thought the baby was coming, they would of admitted me today. PHEW, After speaking with the nurse, I felt much better. There is nothing I can do but go one hour, day, week at a time. My contractions are still coming but when they do the medicine does seem to help them. However, they might be masking them enough that they are still there and I need something stronger. (Is there anything stronger? My first question tomorrow.)

On the brighter side of things, baby was very active during the stress test this morning. The tech had a difficult time keeping him/her on the monitor. We were laughing that he/she was doing his/her exercises for the morning. :) If he/she comes out skinny I'll know why.


tracy said...

Liz, your body is a wonderland, and the baby is trying out all the rides!

It is almost like you awaken and wonder "just what could possibly top this?" and then something is added to the mix of it all again!

Hang in there, girl!

Jackie Blum said...

Yes, Liz, you are reliving parts of my pregnancy, you poor thing! But you will get through it, I promise! I am glad to hear you got the steroid shot(s). I also got 2 shots within 24 hours of each other, but I got mine at 27 weeks, when things really started to go downhill for me and the baby. I have to admit, however, I completely agree with your new doctor this morning, even if you weren't 100% confident in her decisions. When I was going through all of this, I saw a million different doctors, and each one did the best they could with the knowledge they had. Your doctor was simply trying to "stack the deck in the baby's favor," so to speak, and even though the shots are a major deal and not in your original plan, if your baby were to arrive within the next 48 hours, those shots could make all the difference in the world. It's great that baby was so active, though! That is such a good sign... it means that baby is very happy... even if your body isn't. :o) You are doing AWESOME, Liz! Each additional day is one more day pregnant. Take it 24 hours at a time, and pretty soon it will be over.