Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Not Today

I had my weekly exam today and I'm dilated to a 3-which apparently isn't that big of deal to my dr. She wants me to be between a 4 or 5 before she admits me to the hospital! At first I was thrown off by this, I was only a 3 when I went into labor with Logan but with Cameron I was a 4 1/2. I guess her point is the baby isn't just going to "fall" out without some warning (water breaking, spotting, etc) I am only 35 and 5 days today, so it is good to still be cautious and not running to the delivery room. I'm trying to not get caught up with all the contractions I'm having, even though they are irregular they are still causing me to progress. I'm constantly thinking "What are these doing? How far apart are they? Do they hurt more than yesterday?" I'm really not "done" with being pregnant. I'm just done with having contractions and worrying all the time. My Dr. keeps saying, "You are a pro. When the contractions feel different, come in..." I'm very interested in seeing if her statement will be true. I guess I'll just go with my gut feeling, if I truly feel I'm in labor, I will go. So far I've been correct b/c I haven't had the baby yet :)

Yesterday I had a great day with my boys. We went to Ikea where Logan played in their free babysitting area and Cameron and I had breakfast together. It's funny that you can go to a furniture store to play and eat breakfast :) Tomorrow we plan on going to Thanksgiving Point to see the dinosaurs. I'm trying to get some "fun" time in before the real work of having a new baby starts. The anticipation is killing me, but a few more days in my belly won't bother me a bit.

1 comment:

Ashley C. said...

ooh, i keep thinking about you. not today. okay- well i will check back tomorrow. he he.

glad to see you have some fun things planned. you are such a darling mom and i cant wait to see what you have!!! yippee.