Wednesday, March 25, 2009


As I look at the window this morning, I'm stealing a line from Logan. "What the heck! SNOW!!!" Every year March weather teases us and taunts us. Today we had many activities planned. These activities did not include wearing jackets and building a snowman. It's good that our days are flexible and can include such a change :) Tomorrow I yet again will venture to the Dr. I'm desperately hoping she will break my water since I will be 38 weeks. Jared says we are not leaving the hospital, we are having this baby tomorrow! As we wait another day for the possibility of this little one arriving I think about the two little ones I have right now.

Logan: At 4 1/2 he still acts like a mini adult. Last Saturday he went fishing with Jared. When he pulled the fish into shore, he grabbed it without hesitating. Jared said he was laughing very hard as he tried to keep the fish in his hand. He told me that the fish was wiggly & slimy. He told me that he didn't think I would like touching it. He is probably right, but being a mom of two boys I will have to outgrown being grossed out! Jared did mention that they make fishing gloves...
Logan's favorite word right now is AWESOME. Usually the things he finds awesome are monster trucks smashing other cars, anything to do with fire, tiny gadgets, watching Man VS Wild and seeing the host eat bugs.

Cameron: His favorite word is treat. When he wakes up that is the first word he says to me, "treat..." as he gives me the cutest smile in the world. I then have to break his heart and tell him first we have to have breakfast first. He loves watching movies and will even lay down on the couch with his blanket and watch a full 2 hr movie. He counts to 11, and then will skip ahead to 43, 44, 45. He is into making "rows or lines" with his toys. If you disturb the line, your asking for it! At 2 he has mastered going poop in the toilet. Even when he was sick a few weeks ago he managed to tell me every time he needed to go. He loves dinosaurs. When we went to the dinosaur museum he kept growling and trying to talk to them. When he wants something he will repeat it over and over and over again. (Anyone with a 2year old knows what I mean.) Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes...
His latest "sentences" are Be Right Back, Daddy Home, Where is Logan? Ready for Bed, and Go downstairs.
Jared is gearing up for spring. He is always excited about planting a garden, going fishing, and the possibility of going camping. In just a few weeks he will end his 13 season at Deer Valley!
I'm enjoying a day where the kids are playing nicely on their own-for over an hour now. What a treat! Last night I was thinking about what I could clean, that I haven't yet, to jump start me into labor. A few minutes ago I was enjoying little baby kicks, wondering what body part just went across my stomach. As I write this post, I'm realizing that this could be the last day that I will have a predictable schedule, be able to eat anything and blame it on being pregnant and not pick up the floor because I can't bend over!

1 comment:

tracy said...

Logan cracks me up! I think it is hilarious that he likes to watch the guy on Man vs. Wild eating the bugs - we do too! Eww... what a cool little kid!

"Cam", as Zoe lovingly calls him, is such a chill little one, and so easy going. It looks as though a bit of Zoe's organizational skills have rubbed off on him, with the lining things up, etc. Too cute!

Jared is welcome to come and do a Garden 101 class for our yard anytime!

And onto baby #3... keeping you guessing, he/she is... Although you are eager for the birth, embrace the internal kicks, little movements and hiccups as much as you can, for before you know it, those little precious squiggles and such will be done in your arms.

Love U!