Monday, December 21, 2009


FYI if you go to the mall to take pictures with Santa you no longer can use your own camera:(. I understand why, "Santa" needs to make money too. But I still think you should be allowed to take a few pictures if you buy a package. Two 5/7's were 17.00!!! That is ridiculous (they did try to off set the cost by giving you a Shutterfly gift card). After the picture Logan and Cameron each had a separate time to talk with Santa. Cameron started to cry afterwards. Grandma asked him what was wrong? He said in the saddest voice "I don't get a Duck Hunter." Both my mom and I said, "What? You told Santa you wanted a Duck Hunter, right?" He then said, "Where is it, I don't get it." He thought that Santa would give him his present right then and there...I felt so sad for him but tried to explain that he would get presents on Christmas in just a few days. He still cried for a few minutes but quickly forgot about getting presents when I placed a cookie in front of him. PHEW! The picture turned out good-no one was crying.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Winter Bugs

Germs SUCK! The last two months someone in our family has been sick. Is any one else feeling this way? We just got all the kids over croup, had about a week off and then last week Jace got an ear infection. Last Friday Logan had a mysterious fever for two days. Then Sunday Cameron caught the fever. However instead of getting over it like Logan he now has a terrible cough . I'm yet again sitting awake trying to reduce a cough, without any cough medicine, when I should be in my bed ASLEEP! Knowing I won't get any rest tonight or this morning (depending on when night actually becomes morning ) I decided to catch up on blogging, the kids memory books, etc. But seriously...our entire family needs to have a break from colds. My mom suggested putting us all in a bubble. At this point I'm willing to do anything.

But onto more HAPPY things.
Christmas talk...
Since the beginning of October Logan was talking about Christmas. Back then I told him that it was WAY TO EARLY to even think about Christmas. But he couldn't help himself. We came up with an activity that has occupied him more than any toy. Each day he will sit down and cut pictures of toys he thinks are neat out of a magazine. After cutting, he then will look at every picture and analyze how the toy works, how much it costs, and if he thinks the toy is worth keeping in his bag. Some days he will even organize his toy pictures into different groups. He has down this activity so much that Cameron has started to cut things from magazines too. He has over 100 pictures of toys in his bag. During the day we have LONG conversations on what he wants from Christmas and that Santa can't buy everything in his bag. On his own he said that Santa would choose three toys for him. Thee toys is a GREAT number! The only problem now is DECIDING what three he really wants. Today the three things he is asking for is: MP3 Player, a art case, and a remote control airplane. Tomorrow I'm sure it will be different. All I know is that no toy will entertain Logan for as long as the act of cutting out toys has. Maybe I can extend this activity by talking about his birthday clear in July...

Cameron told me to CALL SANTA because he needed to sit on Santa's lap and tell him to bring a pew pew (I'm not sure how to spell the sound he made) I said, what is that. He then pointed into the air and explained "the bird goes around and around and I shoot it, pew pew." Jared then chimed in, "He wants a Duck Hunter." Interesting...I now know what Jared and Cameron watch when I'm gone. Yesterday morning when it snowed he said, "I need to find Elk in the snow with Daddy." I think Jared has found his little hunting buddy.

Monday, November 23, 2009


This past month Jace has been scooting a little backwards. He would literally do a push up and then rock back and forth, not knowing how to move forward. About a week ago he started to be able to push himself up to sitting position while in a crawl pose. This week he started to figure out how to put his little hands in front of him. Today there was no stopping him. He is officially crawling. (8 months old)

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Logan recently has said some silly things. Being out of school for 6 days (2 of them were the weekend) made it really hard for him to want to go on Wednesday. Here are a few things he said to me.

Mom I was thinking about school. We are learning about patterns and I think we should make school a pattern. I go to school, I don't go, I go to school, I don't go. See we really should start doing things that I learn in school.

Who's idea is it that we have school? Was it God? Oh I know, It was the President of the United World. That is why we say the pledge to show the President we are in school.

Mom I have to stay home to protect Cameron. He needs someone to play with.
Logan, all we do is sit at home waiting for you. We don't have any fun with out you.
Mom I know you are just saying that to make me feel better. Thanks, but staying at home not doing anything with you guys is what would make me feel better.
Your friends would really miss you. They are excited to play with you.
I don't need friends, just you. MOM I really am serious .

After going to school. I picked Logan up and he had a huge smile on his face.
Mom you did know what you were talking about. My friends really did miss me. They YELLED my name when they saw me! I guess I will keep going to school. I know you would go to jail if I didn't go. I don't want you in jail. Then you would have to pick up trash on the side of the road. Mom's shouldn't pick up trash on the side of the road, they could get hit by a car.

Later that night I made dinner (chicken stuff croissant turnovers). Logan has eaten these numerous times. This time he took a bite and said. This tastes like dead frog on my tongue. Have you tasted dead frog before? Yeah, and it tastes just like this! Mom I'm not Survivor Man, you shouldn't make me eat gross things.

ohh silly Logan!!!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Today I just feel like rambling on for a minute. I think it's because I've been lock up in our house for over a week and feel a little stir crazy. After a week of fevers, pale faces, and COUGHING I think we are nearing the end of Croup in our house. It's kind of ironic that all three kids were immunized from the seasonal flu shot and HINI and they ended up getting something just as bad! Jared also caught the cold-though his will just be an annoying cough instead of a barking seal cough. So far (knock on wood) I'm not showing any signs of a cold-don't ask me how. I've been wiping noises, getting coughed on and haven't had someone not touching me the entire week.
On top of the cold, Jace had a small procedure done on Friday which involved being fully sedated. (He had to have a few tiny cysts taking off.) We went ahead with the procedure because he wasn't showing any signs of the cold. However yesterday it hit him hard. Now he not only has a stuffy nose, a painful cough, he always has a sore bum.

Here is a few things I learned a few things.

A good Dr. is far more important than a Doctor close to your house. Though it may be convenient it's not always worth it. I ended up waiting over an 1 hour 1/2 just to get a couple of pills. I should of walked out, but I knew Cameron desperately needed some medicine. I VOW TO NEVER SEE THIS DR AGAIN.

I have more of understanding to what kids feel like when they say "I'm bored!" You can only color, watch t.v. and lay around for so long before you go CRAZY.

I have a new perspective on my mom. I don't know how she handled 7 kids! She is amazing.

If treats are the only thing you can get your 2 yr old to eat, it's ok. If your 5 year old doesn't want any treats he feels really SICK!!!

Late night t.v. is funny.

If you mentally prepare for a sleepless night, some how you aren't as tired. Or maybe it's just all the DIET COKE i drank :)

I am OVER DO for a GIRLS NIGHT OUT-so excited that the movie, NEW MOON comes out this weekend!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Despite my best efforts to keep my kids healthy-Cameron and Logan are sick with a cold/cough. I think one of the hardest "jobs" parents have is taking care of sick, miserable kids day and night. Last night little Cameron was up ALL night! He could not stop coughing, even with the some steroid medicine the Dr. gave us. Finally at 4 am, with a cartoon on in the background and me holding him, he fell asleep. Jared helped with Logan who felt icky at 1 am but quickly returned to sleep with some fever medicine. Jace THANK GOODNESS slept most the night, only waking up once. I think every one is looking forward to nap time today.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Last weekend I took the boys to St. George while Jared went hunting. I'm getting better at traveling alone with three small kids. We had an AWESOME time swimming, BEING SILLY LATE AT NIGHT, and as Logan puts it, just hanging out. This summer/fall St. George has been our home away from home.





Saturday, October 17, 2009


Every year I take the boys over to Gardner Village for fall pictures. Usually the grounds are quiet and not that busy. This year it was CRAZY!!! busy. Despite the hundreds of people- I think I grabbed a couple of cute pictures. I've learned through the years that I have about 20 minutes before the kids are sick of the this is what I got. (Not many of many people and not enough places to sit a baby down.)

After pictures the kids got a treat and their face painted.

(Just before we left the house, Cameron tumbled down the garage steps-leaving a HUGE mark on his forehead. Thanks to some photo editing I was able to edit most of his ENORMOUS bruise out. Phew!)
Logan is the best "model" he has the perfect camera smile. Cameron is still learning. He always says "CHEESE" and does this "cheesy" grin.

Monday, October 12, 2009

An Almost 3 Year Old...

Trying to figure out what an almost 3 year old is saying before they have a major melt down is very hard to do. I feel like Cameron has his own language. He talks very well but sometimes he doesn't know how to explain himself. I'm getting better at understanding his "sayings". Here are a few:

These pants are wiggly. Translation: The pants are baggy.

No tiny baby sandwiches. Translation: Don't cut it into small pieces.

My hands are watery. The water won't come off. Translation: He was in the bath to long and his hands are like raisins from the water.

Baby threw up. Translation: Jace has a little bit of slobber on his face.

I'm sad. I need to take a nap. Translation: Nothing is going Cameron's way...he needs a hug and a nap.

He hates it if his food is cut up before you ask him, Can I cut up your hot dog or sandwich? He thinks it is broken if he doesn't see you cut it.

Nothing can be on the couch touching his blanket, even the remote. He will share a small corner with Jace if I promise he won't spit up on it.

You look at you! Translation: Don't look at him.

I can't go to sleep. There are ghosts in my room, see ohhhh. Translation: He watched to many Scooby Do movies today.

I need to draw with a poky crayon. Translation: He wants to color with a pen.

No Translation: No pictures (Thats why there are no pictures on this posting today.)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I know longer have a new baby. I have a 6 month old!!! Jace is 15 LBS 10OZ. A couple of weeks ago I started him on baby food. I've been able to give him fresh beans and carrots from our garden. He LOVES feeding himself. I love the fact that I can sit him in his seat and he can munch on crackers or bread while I make dinner. Jace loves playing with toys!! I can sit him in front of a basket and he'll spend the next 30 minutes investigating all the toys. Recently I stopped swaddling him, which was hard for a few days. While figuring how to sleep with his arms free, he learned how to roll from his back to stomach and prefers to sleep that way. Now, he has started to sleep longer during nap times and is skipping one night time feeding-he still eats around 2 and 5. Jace is always smiling and laughing. He always gets the hiccups when he laughs. He says "googa" when you talk to him. He is very flexible and easy going. Logan adores him. He wants to pick him up and snuggle with him. He has started to crawl backwards. Yikes, I don't want him crawl yet! Then I'll never get anything done.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I'm trying to "clean house" and I'm selling some of my baby stuff. If you know any one that needs maternity clothes, a baby swing, nursery bedding set, or a high chair have them call me. Also I'm starting to sell baby clothes, 0-6 months. I would love to give the stuff to someone I know rather than a stranger. Thanks...

I am strangely attached to my maternity clothes. The other day someone bought my favorite jeans that I wore almost every day! I almost didn't want to give them to her. LOL I find myself feeling the same way with the little boy clothes. Each little outfit brings back memories. Jared mentioned something about, "things can always be bought if we change our minds down the road." It's true. However I'm 99% sure that won't happen. Especially when the last three nights Jace has been up every two hours (any ideas of how to make a 6 month old sleep better without making him "cry it out")?

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Somehow Logan talked me into getting him this cereal. WOW! I can't stop eating it-This is officially my new favorite food.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Hayden Peak Gals

The other night I got together with 3 of my “teacher friends.” I’ve known these ladies for about 9 years. (Two were unable to make it-which we missed immensely. They are the comics of our group and keep us laughing.) We all taught school at Hayden Peak elementary which is in West Jordan. Each day we managed to use our recess times and free moments to connect with each other. As we reminisced about the past, I realized how far each one of us has come in our own life. In a way, we’ve seen each other grown up…from racing to getting engage, to getting married, then to starting families (now all 6 of us have three kids each!). We’ve seen each other grown from just “girls” to amazing moms. Some how when we taught school we managed 26+ kids, most the time without any problems. Now when we get together we tell funny stories about trying to manage just 3 kids (and our husbands J) with out killing anyone. Our outings together usually last hours which never seems long enough. I’m am very lucky to have such beautiful, inspiring, women in my life. Each time we get together I feel recharged and ready to tackle anything. I love you gals and can’t wait for our next night out!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Monday we went to the State Fair even though the weather looked a little skeptical. It was half price on the carnival ride tickets and adults got in for only $6. My friend Taryn and I figured that today would be the cheapest day to go play. After we parked and got into the fair Logan yelled with laughter, he was more than excited. We made our way toward the kiddy area where Logan and his friend Steven managed to get in about 15 rides before the down pour of rain. Little Cameron was such a great sport; he kept occupied with cotton candy as he watched his brother play. Jace played happily in the stroller, intrigued with all the commotion going around him. Once the rain started, there was no stopping it. We ran to our car jumping in puddles the entire way. Unfortunately we didn’t get to see any animals or spend hours at the fair, but it was worth the $20 to see Logan’s smile as he raced around the race track and zoomed down the potato sack slide. Hopefully next year we can go for the entire day.

*Thanks Becca for the free passes, they didn’tarrive in time, but Mom said she could use them.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Being surrounded by four boys is very interesting. Boys are just different then girls. They are loud, rough, come up with more ways to burp and fart then I thought possible. They flock to dirt, bugs, and wrecking anything in sight. Currently Cameron, Logan, and Jared are watching Man vs. Wildanother boy thing. I’m thankful for girl’s night out where I can sit back and watch a chick flick! Nights like these keep me sane!

Monday, September 7, 2009


New baby brother, Jets, BUGS, golfing, SILLY FACES, blankets, SWIMMING, BOUNCY HOUSES, potty training, grandpa outings, ST. GEORGE TRIP, FISHING , sand castles, doughnuts, COUSINS, ZOO,WALKS, BEST FRIENDS WITH BROTHER, park fun , trains at Grandma’s house, bubbles, NEW FRIENDS, eating out at restaurants, CAMP FIRES, Hanging out with UNCLES, hair cuts, dentist, babysitters, singing, playing, Eating, growing, snuggling, smiling, laughing, FARM ANIMALS, sleeping anywhere, going to movies, observing, LEARNING, sand, wiggling toes, friends, sleep training, tan lines, summer school, camping, outings with everyone, TREASURE HUNTS, collecting small things, new treats, birthday parties, scooters, helmets, St. George sleepovers, exploring new parks, jumping off the diving board, FIREWORKS, shorts only, flip flops

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Logan Starts Kindergarten!!!

New pencils, new backpack, new teacher, new shoes, new socks, new friends, new haircut, new shirt, new shorts, new experiences


Tuesday, September 1, 2009



Cameron has moved on from loving little toy cars to loving airplanes. He carries this little plane everywhere. He doesn't want to put it down to eat, sleep, or go potty. As he putters around the house he has his blanket in one hand and his airplane in the other. It's very funny.

A few weeks ago my dad, Grandpa Gary, took Logan on an awesome adventure. Their day was filled with hunting for alligators, treasure hunts, and a fun outing at the Davis Fair, where they got to see real alligators. That night they had a camp fire and camped in my parents backyard. Logan talked nonstop about the treasure hunt and sleeping in a tent with Grandpa. Logan is very lucky to have a goofy, silly, fun, loving friend to hang out with. When Logan came home he told me that he wanted Grandpa to make a snake day next time.

Grandma and Grandpa Friel came to visit and they took Logan back to St. George with them. Logan doesn't start school until Thursday, they jumped at the chance to have their little pal at their house. He loves swimming, eating treats, and being their little helper around the house. He told me that he was excited to go because then he wouldn't have to share anything. Again the house feels strange without Logan. The one thing I don't miss is getting up at 6:30 every morning. I do have to brag that I've gotten to sleep in these past few days-one day was 9 and the other was 8. I haven't slept until 9 for about 5 years!!! It is amazing what you can get done around the house when you aren't exhausted. :) I love the fact that Logan enjoys being with his grandparents and they love taking him. We are already planning the next trip with them over UEA weekend.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Dear Jace

Dear Jace,

As I write you this letter, you are 5 months old. I look at you, you are so big, yet still so small.
Your smile makes me still want to get up at in the night to feed you. How can I say no?
You laugh is contagious as I tickle your belly with my fingers after your bath.
Each milestone you hit, I'm excited for you, yet I want to rewind time. Sitting upright with almost no help at all, you struggle to keep your balance, stretching your tiny arms out to grab your favorite toy. Gums are aching as teeth try to push through them. Still a toothless smile but you love to chew on anything in sight. Lately, you've noticed your feet, trying to eat those too. Quiet when your brothers are around, watching and learning how to be a "big" boy. Alone, your little voice trickles out of your mouth. I wonder what you are saying. On your tummy you lay, pushing your chest high into the air, knowing there is a way to move.
You love wrapping your little fingers around mine as I rock you. Tonight as we played, you grabbed my face & smiled, knowing how much I love you. Quietly you'll drift off to sleep still wrapped tightly in your blanket. I'll see you at 2 am.